The Law of Attraction Series – Part 1

Recently, I spent 10 days on a cruise that featured Esther Hicks, who has written many books about the law of attraction and appeared in the original version of the 2006 film, “The Secret.” Over the course of my next few blogs, I will share some of my learnings.

First lesson: The law of attraction simply stated is that thoughts become things. Our thoughts attract—or manifest—most of the events, circumstances, and people in our lives. For some, this may sound far-fetched. However, it is far easier to understand the concepts when you remember that everything in our universe, including our thoughts, are vibrations. Vibration is energy. Energy is what creates or manifests everything in our universe.

Further, it doesn’t matter if you don’t believe in the law of attraction, just like it doesn’t matter if you don’t believe in the law of gravity. The laws of our universe do not require your belief to be real.

An easy way to get started on creating your best life with the law of attraction is following these two steps:

1. Focus your thoughts on what you want in your life (health, wealth, family, friends, etc.)

2. Focus your thoughts on what you are grateful for that already exists in your life (health, wealth, family, friends, etc.)

Your thoughts are vibrations. Vibration is energy. Energy creates everything in our universe. Thoughts become things.

Stay tuned for part 2…

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